Smart homes are here. But who owns your data?
As the price of sensors and communication technologies continue to fall dramatically, the Internet of Things (IoT) landscape is becoming...

Outsmarted by our smart homes?
A couple of weeks ago I presented some recent work on innovation in process evaluation at the International Energy Policy and Program...

Prosumers, electricity grids, and systemic change
Last week I wrote about some of the challenges we face when trying to integrate renewables into electricity systems. One of the key...

Renewable energy from NZ to the UK
In February this year I moved back to the UK to take up a position at the University of Oxford to manage the recently funded Oxford...

How to become a successful interdisciplinary team: Te Pūnaha Matatini (the meeting place of many fac
Last week I attended the Te Pūnaha Matatini Investigator Hui in Christchurch. While this is not the first time the group of academic...

I've got the power!
Over the last hundred years people in the developed world have become used to a system where electricity flows from centralised power...

Keen on Electric Vehicles: Kiwi perspectives on electric vehicles, and opportunities to stimulate up
I have just published a report on a very hot topic at the moment, ‘Electric Vehicle uptake in New Zealand’. New Zealand has nearly the...

Recruiting homeowners and businesses for solarlab initiative
The Centre for Sustainability at the University of Otago, New Zealand has joined forces with solarcity to establish the National Solar...